How to Overcome Being Dazed and Distracted


What do you think is the number one challenge a writer faces? Is it writer’s block? No… although many writers deal with some form of writer’s block throughout their careers. It’s distractions! Yes, writers face too many distractions that break their focuses. Between social media, online activities, the real world, and nonstop demands on your time, it’s not that easy to focus. Then we have what I personally call “brain mush,” which in my definition goes like this: too much screen time and tired eyes. Brain mush leads to allowing distractions just to get away from the computer, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

I bet many of you are nodding right now and thinking, “Yes! Distractions are always pulling me away from my projects.” Whether you work in an office or at your home office, distractions can often stop your progress. When I worked in an office with coworkers, the water-cooler talk caused distractions. Although I avoided it. I have been and am always about the work, not the “talk”.
When it comes to the home office, you have to watch for things like family and friends who think that just because you work at home, they can call you anytime. My son is the biggest offender. He calls AND wants me to drop everything and go on instant vacations.
So how do you control the many distractions?
Boundaries – when you’re working at home in particular, mind the boundaries. It goes both ways, too. I have set office hours. My core hours are 9am to 6pm. I go to my desk and focus. However, if you do suffer from “brain mush,” do take regular breaks, but use those breaks to move around. It helps get your blood flowing and relaxes the intellectual mind. It’s okay, go ahead and do laundry or go for a walk. It will help alleviate the desire to be distracted, too, if that makes sense. Tell your family and friends your core hours and emphasize that you’re working and writing. I’ve got my family trained. It makes it very hard to keep in your writing flow when your phone is ringing or texts are coming in.
When you’re off work, the boundaries go the other direction. I have a personal phone separate from my business phone. Clients often call me on weekends, which is fine if we’re on a critical deadline, but otherwise I try to keep my personal time, personal. Everyone should be able to unplug from the office stuff.
Don’t go online unless you’re doing research. Social media in particular can create huge distractions. If you’re using social media for business, then limit the time you are on it. Try and give yourself 15 minutes a day to post, but don’t get caught up in too many comments. Online distractions top the list. Close up your browser tabs so you’re not tempted. Same goes with your phone. Set it aside or put it on silent. I admit things like Tik-Tok distract me all of the time. So, you have to put it aside. (I know, I’m no fun lol). 
Michelle Gamble can be reached at or email 


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