Is Traditional PR Dead?

Is traditional public and media relations dead?

The analysts are asking this question because of the rapid rise of social media as the main technique to start buzz and sell products. My answer is no, it's alive and well. Today, you've got more avenues than ever before to promote your books, products or services. The real answer is you've got to cross traditional public relations with trending social media techniques, but one without the other isn't the working formula.

Here is how it should go:
Step 1: Create a traditional media campaign and promote to the online, print and broadcast media.
Step 2: Set up interviews and promote book reviews.
Step 3: Take the results in the form of links and use social media to blast the results to your respective social media audiences.
Step 4: Use social media to promote to your respective audiences your own book promotions and excerpts.
Step 5: Engage your social media audience.
Traditional media campaign come together with social media campaigns to make both effectively work. Today the reality is you can't have one without the other - and that's the answer to the question.
Now go take on the day!


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