The Third Reinvention of Me!

Sorry Friend-Os ... I have been offline moving my office to Marina del Rey, home of beautiful spring weather and cool ocean breezes! I am one block from the marina and ocean -- pretty cool! I have just moved through yet another reinvention. I would say this reinvention is my third major change in six years. Some people resist change and think it's scary. Not me! Once I form a bold, clear vision (see my book Second Bloom on the 3L website under books), I go for it. Sometimes it just takes a little bit of time to formulate how I want to go forward. Both my personal and professional lives have been drastically altered! I am moving forward full steam ahead, and I intend to network and dig in deep in Southern California. One thing I'll share is that the process of change can be unpleasant, but then the net results are often well worth it. Now 3L Publishing can expand its reach even further. We still have our operations manager Bo Bradley running the Sacramento office and doing her thing. She will continue Writers Who Mean Business, and we have a great upcoming workshop on screenwriting coming in May. My dear friend and colleague Scott D. Roberts, whose impressive screenwriting and industry credits will make you want to sign up for certain, will host the workshop. I will be there to support the group and listen in, too ;). I will announce details when I have it locked down. Just know if you want or need a change, life is too short not do just do it!! Want my advice, drop me an email at


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