Every Writer Needs a Pirate Dictionary

So I am at the RT Booklovers Convention, and I am laughing and listening and taking it all in. I am surrounded by authors and readers, and friends the things I've heard this week ... where do I get started? Okay, here is today's funny, "Every writer needs a pirate dictionary." All right I had no idea that as a writer I needed a pirate dictionary. What have I been missing out on all of these years? Now I must rush an order on Amazon for sure. "One pirate dictionary, please." Then I ran into two guys in the lobby yesterday where one was teasing the other about his "Texan" friend texting him so much. He says, "Yeah, ride 'em cowboy!" I was leaning over getting coffee and glanced at them. The guy says, "Oh no! She heard us. He's straight." Yeah, right! Like my dear friend texted me, "Like a wet noodle!" Speaking of friends, don't you love it when your friends are funny, too! Lots of funny texts going back and forth so I am constantly laughing or smiling. Now follow up this other sexual reference to the author yesterday who declared as if she admitted she ate cornflakes for breakfast, "I like guy-on-guy erotica." Okay, and that is another all right then! I was sitting at my table and I'm quite sure I just stared at her. And if you know me at all, that stare is the famous "Michelle" stare. Her statement among a sea of some pretty risque book covers suddenly made me feel as vanilla as a wafer. And here all this time I thought California Girl Chronicles pushed the edges with its sexy content. Believe me after what I've seen, I am so boring. I'll keep my ears on high alert to keep sharing the entertaining moments with you this week.


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