Finally! Bookstores Start Ordering California Girl Chronicles

You know running a business can often be fraught with mayhem. I think, though, now things are a little more organized and running and smoothly -- especially since my new operations manager, Bo Bradley took over the 3L Publishing functions that I hate to do. Well, my last person who sat in the chair that Bo now occupies did not post the California Girl Chronicles title correctly in the distributor Bakers and Taylor catalog of titles, which equals disaster on sales. The bookstores didn't have the correct information. I was slightly distraught when no orders came in and I couldn't understand why until Bo informed me of the huge  and costly mistake (this among some other egregious and costly mistakes ... ah, the perils of business). Well, now that the problem has been rectified, we finally received our first official bookstore order. It was a higher than average number! Now it makes sense. California Girl Chronicles has always, in my opinion, been the type of book that if you put it out on display in bookstore, it will get picked up. Even better, when I was at the Romance Convention, at least 90 percent (no exaggeration) of people who looked at the book cover commented how much they liked it! It stood out from a sea of competing books that all looked alike. So thank you to Erin Pace Molina, my genius graphic artist, who made my vision a brilliant reality. Now that the bookstores are picking up the book, it will continue to cement the following I am trying to build and the demand for the second book in the series Brea's Big Break, which I hope to publish this summer.


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