All Writers Can Relate ... Driven to Distraction

So I need to revise the California Girl Chronicles script ... why haven't I done it yet? Well, let's see how many distractions can I come up with? Oh, yeah, I run 3L Publishing and have five books running in parallel. Okay, that is a serious distraction that has to be attended to. I'm plugging along yesterday and got an enormous amount of work done ... wait! A pile of laundry ... can't leave that be. And now my laundry room is across from my office so that is going to be a constant reminder to just pile it in. Now since I finally relented to the texting revolution every single of one of my friends texts me. Now I am answering emails AND texts. Did I tell you I pride 3L's reputation on quick response times? Yes, we guarantee a response within 24 hours and typically I keep my email open on my desk so I can respond within the hour. Customer service is critical, and my clients feel they have my full attention when I respond to their needs right away. Now what? All right so I need to maintain social media. Facebook has provided non-stop leads, so I log onto Facebook and post and try to respond to others. Whoops ... more distractions. Now it's the end of the day, and yours truly is tired. I had convinced myself to work on the script last night, but I was so spent from the non-stop writing all day that I just couldn't stand the thought. And believe it or not, I don't watch much TV. In fact, when we were in Chicago, the TV never came on for an entire week. I'm starting to wonder what will happen on the finale of one of my favorite shows House that I have neglected to watch in over a month. No time for idle, glazed-over eye time. But let's get real, all of this is merely keeping me from passionately getting my script written anyway. All you writers out there know exactly what I'm talking about. Just saying.


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