Warm Thank You to the Growing Fan Base of California Girl Chronicles

Dear California Girl Chronicles Supporters,

I want to thank so many of you who have been so gracious and supportive of my book in its early release. I am honored and thrilled to have so many Brea lovers. You are doing so many things to support my efforts: Girlfriends giving it as presents to other girlfriends; Facebook followers sending me pictures of the book in various poses; fans and friends of the book posting some 20 positive Amazon reviews; and so many others who have spoken to me or written me notes about Brea. You have embraced Brea as a good friend. This small and growing fan base is what will expand the book now and into the future. The TV show development is under way, and we truly expect some kind of deal in 2012. In the meantime, you all have touched my heart in so many ways. I thank each and every person who has reached out to help me. I am blessed to have so much love and support!

With warm gratitude,


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