Things I Do When I Can't Sleep

Another bout of insomnia later ... and I decided to make a little list of things I do when Tinker Bell forgets the magic fairy dust and doesn't give me tickets to the Sleep Train. See if you can relate to my list.

1. Lay in bed and worry
2. Lay in bed and worry some more
3. Lay in bed and worry some more and get up and grab a drink of water
4. Lay in bed and worry some more then decide chocolate sounds good
5. Lay in bed and worry some more then get up and grab more water
6. Lay in bed and worry and remember who I forgot to buy Christmas presents for this year
7. Lay in bed and worry that I worry too much and how unhealthy that is for my mind
8. Lay in bed and worry that I'm attracting more worry to my life
9. Lay in bed and worry that I'm going to get fat from the chocolate I consumed at midnight
10. Lay in bed and worry and finally fall asleep from worry and exhaustion

Tomorrow's topic: what I write about when I can't think of what to write about.


  1. I was just lying in bed and worrying. I played some BeJeweled on my iPhone. Still couldn't sleep so got up and got a drink of water. Then I got on my computer to work on my Fangtasia fan site. I was adding my Alexander Skarsgard Google news to my site and came across your blog. After reading your blog, I feel better. Thanks Brea!

  2. Hi Joan,
    I just glanced at your profile. We are both Pisces. Is there a connection to insomnia do you think? For the record, my name is Michelle. Brea is my heroine's name in my book California Girl Chronicles. Brea is a lot of fun. She tends to cause insomnia not put you to sleep ;). I don't know if this will reply to you... like your blog topic LOL.


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