The Hardest Job in Publishing -- Proofing!

I bet those of you in publishing will raise your hand when I say this: the hardest job in publishing a book is the proofing. Proofing the final products is an all-hands-on-deck process. When you work with 3L Publishing, we involve our authors, editors and anyone else who can read the final product with a fresh set of eyes. I recently encountered difficulties with California Girl Chronicles. We found numerous mistakes after the book was printed. Fortunately, I am the publisher too, and I had the far-thinking wisdom not to do a huge print run on the first edition. I have learned from experience that no matter how hard we try, something always gets missed. In this case, it also gave me the opportunity to adjust some character development issues. The revised edition is full of new material, and I entirely rewrote it. If you read the first edition, and you want to read the newly added scenes (we'll call this the "director's cut") then send me an email at I will give you free of charge the PDF of the new version.

I also felt the first edition was too cluttered in the writing and needed a rewrite. I broke it apart and smoothed it out to make it easier to read. Many of you were perfectly happy with the first edition, but I thought it could be better. I am always striving to improve my work and when the opportunity presented itself to make some revisions, I happily seized the chance.

Now for the rest of the grammar police out there ... before you cast stones at books with a few minor errors, please realize the average books contains 50,000 words. It is a monumental job to get all 50,000 words right. I can assure you when you run into a problem, the author probably doesn't want to hear it anymore. Unless the printer ran amok and somehow destroyed the entire prose, you would be wise not to bug the author about it. I would especially caution you not to bring it up if you found only one mistake. It's like baking a six-story cheesecake that tastes sublime only to have someone tell you, "But there is a tiny spec of dust at the top." Remember people ... 50,000 words ... just count them!


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