Three Minutes of Completely Unimportant Rambling

Let me share a brief, but ridiculous commentary on "packing". Yes, packing for travel. Now most of you were expecting I might comment on something relevant, important or even trendy. No, not today. Today it's about the bag and the clothes. I am off to the Miami Book Fair to meet new authors and sell books. I was super pleased to procure a non-stop flight too. Don't you just hate it when you're going to Vegas and your flight stops twice, and one stop is in Utah. Those of you not map-challenged that should resemble half of a triangle. Do you think the trip planner sat around and just threw stops up in the air and picked two just to ensure it's LONG trip? Ah, sorry, I digress. P.S., I once took an American Airlines flight that did make two stops -- and yes, one was in Utah. Well, to continue my most ridiculous and inconsequential blog on packing. Here is the best tip I ever learned in the entire world about packing! Roll your clothes. Don't fold them, roll them. See! That right there was worth the time wasted reading about my half-triangle trip. When you roll your clothes you get two really fabulous benefits. First, you have more room in your suitcase for more unnecessary stuff. Second, your clothes don't wrinkle ... not even gowns! Don't believe me? Try it.


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