My Brother had a Great Sense of Humor ... Runs in the Family

One of John Gamble's friends sent me this story about him. If you know me at all then you're aware I have my own funny bone too. It runs in the family I guess. I thought this story was very funny and very typical of something John would have said. Here is the story: I just think of the time when we all ended up in a lakefront bar, the day after Christmas, celebrating my son's 13th birthday. We had been ice fishing and riding snowmachines all day (a post-Christmas tradition), and this was the only place to get some food and warm up as it got late. There was this obnoxious, drunken a-hole dressed in the most obnoxious snowmobiling gear. His coat was literally covered in these dorky patches representing the companies that made snowmachine speed parts. He was in an argument with another self-proclaimed badass about who was a better snowmachine rider. The debate got heated, and this guy got really loud. John looked at the guy, and yelled out: "Calm down there, 'Stickers'!!" The guy, seeing John's size, wisely shut his piehole. We all laughed to the point of tears!! ~ Michael V. Witham

P.S., John was 6' 5" in case you were wondering! 


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