Promoting California Girl Chronicles

We're diving in and getting the book moving fast with the trajectory of a rocket for sure. First up, on November 15, I will be on KFBK with my favorite local radio personal Kitty O'Neal discussing California Girl Chronicles evolution from a book that has just barely been released to a TV series that we are pitching and working with producers and others to develop. A review is also set to go in the San Francisco and Sacramento Book Review in December. We've also got books out to dozens of national media outlets including GQ, Maxim, Allure and many others. We are now in the follow-up stage with these writers to get them to post a review by the time the book releases on the national scene to the bookstores in January. You can now get a copy on Amazon, and it's available for Kindle, Nook and iBook.

Now since it's Saturday, I want to have a little fun and share what I'm enjoying most about this process. Creating fans of the book! When I was out at an event the other day with the book physically for sale for the first time, want to know what I noticed? People would walk up and look at the cover and smirk or smile! How cool. I love the positive reactions. It's good to make people smile. We need more smiles these days. I moved 10 books into a pretty small crowd. I can't wait to get to the Miami Book Fair next week and just watch the books fly. And just yesterday I got book 2 back from my proof reader! I am making some minor revisions and will put it into production. Don't get too excited yet. She won't be available for sale until next year. Sorry fans! Got to spread out the fun!

California Girl Chronicles is on sale for $12.95 in the soft-cover edition on the 3L Publishing website and Amazon.


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