Momentum Productions

Everything is really blowing up around my new book California Girl Chronicles. I met with someone yesterday who is interested in becoming an executive producer. My other producer friend is supposed to call me sometime today to discuss where the book is at and getting representation with Creative Artists Agency (CAA). Then one of my clients, who works with financiers, offered to discuss management and coming up with funding on our end so we could come at this as true producers. I am really impressed with the power of intention and momentum. As we have been promoting the book and networking (mostly on social media mind you ... nearly 2,000 connections pays off), we have connected with people who can connect us with the right people to make this project move forward. Sonja Fisher has been working the LA angles as well and met with a mover and shaker who loves the book too and is going to help us pitch to HBO and Showtime. And so it goes. It's all about working the scenes. Set your intentions. Know what you want. Do it and make it happen. The book officially releases on Amazon in the soft-cover edition this month and then onto bookstores. The chicken and egg scenario is happening. The Hollywood buzz is already fueling media interest and media interest fuels sales. We will leverage all of the interest to do an end around back to Allure, GQ, Maxim and the other major magazines to prompt them to review the book. We're working to create the following, which we need the following for the Hollywood scene, by doing it backwards. You see how that works? The buzz creates the hype and the hype creates more buzz. If you're an author watch what we're doing. It will help you understand how to work it for yourself. But first always, know what you want, set your intention, go for it, and then stay positive, focused and set your goals! I want California Girl Chronicles picked up as a TV series, and I want the book series to become best-sellers!


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