Really Cool Moments in the Life of an Author

I spoke yesterday at Women's Success group in Roseville at Crush 29. Whenever I get out and about an away from the confines of my desk or seriously just out of my own head, I am very pleased to realize the progress in our media campaign for California Girl Chronicles and in general. A couple of super fun moments I want to share. First, notice my outfit in the picture. Just for the record, the clothes got more attention than the presentation LOL. Between comments about the chic shoes you cannot see in the photo and the admiration of the outfit, I had to laugh. I had one woman at the evening event I attended tell me I looked "glamorous". I'll take it. Here is the amusing part. I went into White House Black Market, saw this outfit on the mannequin and just made it easy and bought the whole thing. The presentation went very well (aside from a sad, little spectacle we observed that believe me was met with a lot of head shaking and confusion over such blatant insecurity), and I sold books and even a T-shirt (I also sold a lot of books at the next event, too). I had a lovely woman, who I am connected to on Facebook and don't really know, come up to me and say two key things:

  • I am inspired by your daily Facebook postings and want to thank you for them.
  • And you definitely walk your own talk (in reference to my presentation on information-based marketing.
Second, I had another incident earlier where a woman looked at me and said I looked very familiar and realized I was the author of California Girl Chronicles -- very nice. Our media campaign is paying off. Exposure my friends ... exposure! And finally, just this morning I got my book tour lunch schedule from the illustrious Victoria Andrew! I will be in Chicago April 9-16. Here is the schedule just to reinforce the power of an amazing publicist who rules the world. 

Tuesday April 10
- Michelle comes into Chicago & Victoria will pick her up
- We will check into the hotel
- Possible radio show / interview
- We will have dinner
8pm : Uncommon Ground Open Mic
1401 West Devon Ave
9pm : Hungry Brain Open Mic. Living Taping.
2319 W. Belmont Ave
10pm: Trace Polyrhythmic Open Mic
3714 N. Clark St
Chicago, IL 60613
Wed April 11
RT Booklovers Convention All Day (and Set Up of Exhibit)
6:30pm: Book Signing at The Book Stall
811 Elm Street
Winnetka, IL
8:30pm: Gallery Cabert Open Mic
2020 N. Oakley
Thurs April 12
RT Booklovers Convention All Day
Evening - Possible Book Signing at Revolution Books, After-Words, or Uncharted Books
Friday April 13
RT Booklovers Convention All Day
7:30pm:  Women & Children 1st Bookstore Book Signing 
Saturday April 14
RT Booklovers Convention All Day
10pm: Delphic Arts Center (Albany Park) Open Mic
5340 W. Lawrence Ave
Sunday April 15
RT Booklovers Convention (and Tear Down of Exhibit)
7pm - 10pm Green Mill Cocktail Lounge Poetry Slam Open Mic
4802 N. Broadway Ave


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