Wouldn't You Like to "Love My Coconuts" Too?

Whenever I go out networking, I inevitably return to home base with fun stories. If you've read my book California Girl Chronicles then you know my heroine Brea is demoralized when she's forced to wear a funny T-shirt with the phrase "Love My Coconuts" emblazoned across her chest. Here in 3L Publishing La La land, we thought it would be great fun to send book reviewers that phrase on a T-shirt as a thank you for their reviews. When I mentioned this to my girlfriends last night, two of them immediately demanded I have 40 extra printed for them to gift or sell to their friends and associates. I started laughing. I had no idea there was so much passion about wearing the infamous coconut phrase across your chest. One of the women said it was way better than the breast cancer phrases. I never thought of it that way and laughed. Yes, I think I would have more fun with that, too. Now dear readers if you think you too are going to want one of these darlings, you should send an email to info@3LPublishing.com and let us know. We will order more if demand requires it. Next up ... the infamous phrase and arrow "Dive Here" LOL ... just kidding! Not sure I would even wear that one!!


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