Four Fabulous Marketing Tips to Promote Your Book or Business

I like to live by example. So when I tell authors or business clients for that matter they should do X, Y or Z, I prove my point by walking my own talk. So for authors, in particular, this information will be invaluable. For business readers, the same theories apply for products and services.

Conventions and Trade Shows - reaching out and touching directly with your customers is no better way to understand their buying habits. Some booth space can cost $2,000 or better for the larger shows. I try to find shows put on by non-profit where they sell space for $800 or less. I see the value in prospective clients and not just book sales. Otherwise I wouldn't do it. I rarely sell enough books to cover my expenses. I love, though, the opportunity to talk to people and fans. I like to hear what they're thinking and want to buy. I love meeting and greeting new authors.

Giveaways - We are working on a T-shirt for California Girl Chronicles with the infamous phrase, "Love my Coconuts" on the front and the book brand on the back. We'll be sending this out as a thank you to reviewers. Fans will be able to buy the shirts as well. We're trying to gain exposure for the book. The more people who walk around with the book literally on their backs, the better. And we have an appropriate thank you for reviewers.

Blogging Every Day - I blog six days a week. As a result, my blog has grown exponentially. Now people are re-blogging my most popular blogs and even Tweeting them. What does this do? It's more exposure for my brand and books. The more readers I have, the more opportunities and word of mouth spreads. Make sure you load your blog with general, valuable and broad information to attract a wider following. And make sure your readers have a way to easily find and buy your products.

Public Relations and Publicity - I have consistently done my own PR and now I've hired Victoria to do more PR for California Girl Chronicles. I promote myself as a subject matter expert. The more publicity I receive for 3L Publishing and the book, the more exposure, and the more opportunity to close sales. If you want to make your company or products national brands, you need national exposure. A consistent, ongoing PR campaign pays off in national and international exposure.


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