Is the Charlaine Harris Sookie Stackhouse for Tweens? I Don't Think So!

I had a recent comment on the blog that I removed (it was rude) that suggested that the Charlaine Harris books are for tweens. Let me first share that "tweens" are young pre-teens between the ages of 9-12. Teenagers are in the teenage years 13-19. Now I have not read the Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series, but my teenager has. The Stephenie Meyer's series is somewhat tame without the overt sexuality contained in the Charlaine Harris books. Meyer's books are acceptable reads for tweens. For the reader who suggested Harris' books are for tweens, I must correct you. Harris books are not for tweens and should not be read by tweens or some teens under the age of 16 (18 in my book, but I'm a little stricter). Anyone who would say that Harris' books are for tweens or teens has not read the Harris books. They are for a mature audience and contain violence and sex. The graphic book covers might fool you, but they are not for the younger audiences, and any suggestion of they are for young kids is misleading. True Blood, my favorite vampire series (as you all know) is based on the Harris novels. And I can tell you without a doubt (as most of you already know), True Blood is definitely for a mature audience. It is loaded with violence and sex. So when I wrote my last post about my favorite show Season 5 spoilers, I wrote it tongue-in-cheek. Sookie might be a fairy on the show, but she's no fairy godmother from Cinderella. The only reason I am addressing this point is that I don't want other parents to confuse the Harris books with the Meyer books. I would never recommend young people under the age of 16 be permitted to read the Harris books. And for the matter, I do not suggest young people under the age of 18 (again, I'm stricter) be allowed to read my book series The California Girl Chronicles. It is loaded with sexuality, and the true messages outside of the wit and humor are very pointed about women's sexuality. A young person would only read the sex and not get the message.


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