I Wish I Could "Skarsbrow"

An authentic Skarsbrow!
I wanted to find a picture of Kristin Bauer Van Straten aka as Pam on True Blood doing the infamous Skarsbrow, because I have fantasies in which I will my one eyebrow to arch solo when someone does something ridiculous or questionable. Like the other night, I so wished I could Skarsbrow when my networking buddies were grabbing each other's "girls". Yes, the moment of ass- and boob-grabbing antics was a well-deserved Skarsbrow situation. Unfortunately, I don't have the required eyebrow dexterity to pull it off. Anyway, in my search for a photo of Pam doing it (she's a woman after all), I found this hilarious link in the Urban Dictionary. Unbeknown to me, Mr. Alexander Skarsgård is so famous for the ability to lift a single brow, he got an official term for it in the dictionary. Go Skarsgård. When you're impacting the slang, you know you've made it to the big time LOL.


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