Comedic Lines from California Girl Chronicles

If I blog on Sunday, I always try to focus on inconsequential fun. Since my reader statistics showed that many of you like to read the funny and comedic excerpts from my books and screenplays, I thought I would start the day off with humor from the California Girl Chronicles series. Enjoy!

"You don't treat women like hamburger and they won't treat you like hotdog." ~ Kale, Brea and the City of Plastic

"My logical smart girl side of me was screaming, 'Run Brea, run!' Yet here I was on the back of a mare with a guy who appeared to have no brains, which was really unattractive in a man. Remember I was smart and smart likes smart. Today I wasn't smart enough to get off that horse and go home." ~ Brea, Brea and the City of Plastic

INT - Red-Velvet Loung - Night
Tom Jones wears a boring white shirt and black trousers. He walks on stage, strips off his horrible corporate attire to reveal black disco plants and a red silk shirt. He sings, "She's a Lady." ~ Brea and the city of Plastic

I playfully pushed his arm. "No, I don want to be famous. I don't want paparazzi to photograph me while I eat breakfast or grab a cup of coffee. Or snap a closeup of cellulite on my thigh. God I hate that shit!" I replied. ~ Brea, Brea's Big Break


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