Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. Amen!

"There is no reason not to follow your heart. Stay hungry. Stay foolish." ~ Steve Jobs

I love that quote, and it mirrors a conversation we had on First Word Radio yesterday about doing what you want to do with your life. I don't believe in asking permission. If I want to do something, I figure out how to do it. I've spent a lifetime actively pursuing my passions. 3L Publishing exists because I didn't want to turn my first book over to a publisher that I didn't feel could do a better job than I could. After that book Second Bloom came out and won awards including an honorable mention from Writer's Digest, other authors started asking me to publish their books. The question wasn't "no," it was: Why not? Almost overnight I had achieved a dream without even making it a goal in the first place. I was simply following my passion. When you follow your passion the rest will follow. Now I've gone after another goal: to write a novel and here sits California Girl Chronicles. As the publisher of the company, I am sitting in the cat-bird seat. Yes, I had to invest my own resources in my book, but I get 100 percent of the royalties. I considered taking her to a traditional publisher, but that seemed ridiculous. At this point, a traditional publisher cannot do more for my book then I can with my team and resources. 3L Publishing is now in a relationship with world-famous Bakers and Taylor -- the distributor to major bookstores across the U.S. who supplies to Barnes and Noble. While a bigger publisher might have more muscle to move the books, I would still have to hire a publicist. Well, one of my team members is my publicist, and she's doing a spectacular job. She just got Allure magazine to request the book, and I already had a dozen other reviewers lined up as well. What's my point? I do what I want. I chase my dreams. I don't let anything get in my way. Next up: our contact is going to hand California Girl over to his contacts at HBO and Showtime. And Beauty School, our latest script, is under consideration with two key producers who have already said they liked it. We're on our way. It's all about taking the adventure. Are you ready for a great adventure?


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