Google Alerts Every Day and A-List Project Update

Wow! Here is a really cool goal. Get Google Alerts every day on my new book series California Girl Chronicles. Can you imagine the publicity built up when Google Alerts go out every day with your book title or name? You know you've reached a ground swell of interest when you get alerts every day of the week. I like this idea a lot. If you're reading this and don't know what is a Google Alert then please let me share. If you use Google you have alerts. You can set your alerts to a keyword like your name or title, and the little "spiders" on the Web crawl out and gather information associated with your name or title. It's super easy to use and free. As a publicist, I put client's keywords so I can track what is going on with their books and results we're getting. You don't have to be a publicist, though, to do alerts. Famous people and products have a deluge of alerts each day! I will know California Girl is a best-seller when she gets alerts every day -- so let's say my goal is to make that happen by March. Good goal. And we're on our way.

Last night, our producer friend took a copy of the book with the intention that if he liked it, he would give it to his CAA agent. I could get the book picked up without a script in hand. And in other very exciting news, we just got amazing feedback on the script Beauty School and we're on our way toward some kind of deal. The producers it is out to right now are heavy-hitter, A-list decision-makers. I loved with the producer said, he is only recommending it to buy and only to key decision-makers. I won't digress into the significance of that ... today!!

P.S., no more Liar Liar Pants on Fire. This producer is completely legit. I did my homework this time! And for the record, Laws of Attraction folks are in play. When Liar Liar Pants on Fire was "attracted" by someone else who will remain nameless, it was like attracts like if you catch my drift. Today, the only Law being applied is that of like attracts like and no one has the nickname of Liar Liar Pants on Fire!


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