True Blood is a "True" Work of Literary Art

If you are a fan of the HBO series True Blood (Season 5 is slated to begin June 24) then you should check out this site titled Love True Blood. From what I've been told by the site leaders and from what I've read, it's absolutely the best fan site written by fantastic writers who display their literary backgrounds with great ease and reveal all sorts of layers to this show one would never imagine. You think True Blood is all about "vampire porn" (as one friend called) then you are not really watching it from a storytelling point of view with all its metaphors, foreshadowing and juxtapositions. Read this fan site and you will have all the confidence that Alan Ball is NOT going to put Sookie and Bill back together. Not if you peel back the layers of the onion the way these literate fans have done. I've emphatically said that Eric and Sookie are soul lovers, and if you read this site and all the great information under the season redux you will notice how they are currently reflecting back on the show through the lens of Season 4. I really loved the recent reference back to Sookie's house where the writer mentions that Eric lovingly restores Sookie's house back to its original condition, adds a modern amenity or two, and builds a cubby in her basement. The Jungian reference that the basement is her subconscious and a metaphor for where her feelings for him reside. As a writer when I look at the layers of the show as exposed by all the literary analysis, it's almost intimidating. You come to understand just how excellent this show is and why it's excellent. It takes you so far beyond the campy lines and the fun to dig deeper into what I'll just plainly call the heart of the show. I should only strive to write such an amazing piece of work this well-thought-out and executed. And while many people may not like the writing (sometimes I don't like some of it) when you view the show through this well-constructed lens of information, you can't help but admire Alan Ball and his team of storytellers.


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