Oscar Party and California Girl Chronicles

I had a table at the Valentine's Oscar Party, and I met so many celebrities I don't know where to begin. First and foremost, the buzz around my book California Girl Chronicles was absolutely amazing. Many people told me they already heard about the book, which is totally crazy. We gave out about 100 copies to some very excited celebrities who were escorted through the room. Highlights include meeting Eric Roberts and his completely amazing wife Eliza, who was so gracious and lovely she offered to help promote the book to her producer friend and help with an agent. She was just a doll, and she even sent out thank you notes to those who gave her gifts. For his part, I thought Eric was funny, witty and outgoing and posed for pictures with the book in hand. Other highlights included meeting the incomparable Dee Wallace, Chris O'Donnell, Sean Kanan, Judd Nelson, and Louis Gossett JR. Everyone I met was enthusiastic about the book and so helpful and lovely. What a day! To top it off, we met with Jeff Cohen, a former Lion's Gate executive, and a writer and producer who really was delightful. He offered so much advice and help, and he further helped by saying he would give it to his agent (a very big name). He was also so insightful and completely understood my heroine Brea Harper. He has volunteered to be a story editor on the series Bible and help us move forward. He really was a great guy. We talked "shopped" and it was fun. I also got amazing media coverage and did several interviews. It was probably the best networking day, period. We had many professional pictures taken that I will post soon.


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