You Are What You Eat ... or Think!

Spiritual lesson of the day straight from Be the Hammer Not the Nail: You are what you think the most about. The slow summer months have slowed our business growth. Today I got more news that ruffled my usually pristine feathers. I realized as my old business associate used to say, "They're dropping off like flies!" Well, in this case it has to do with contract shifts and completions. My panic button set off for about two minutes, and then I realized I needed to outwit and out-promote the entire situation. That line went through my mind, and I quickly decided to not go into panic mode, but go into positive-thinking and resourcefulness to get out ahead of the situation. I can't spend my day worrying about this. Instead I need to expend all of my energy thinking of ways to attract new business and growth. So, if I'm going to become what I think most about, it needs to about success! And if any of you out there are reading this and struggling in any way, shape or form, the rule applies. Don't become what you're thinking about all day by thinking about negative situations. Put your game face on. Plunge in and get her done!


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