3L Publishing Business Tip of the Day: Increase You Sales by Networking

Business slows due to summer vacations and absent colleagues? Most of the time I vacation in July and December, because these are the slowest sales months of the year. This year, though, I changed up the game plan. If you're facing slow sales growth, time to get out on and meet and greet. I am always surprised by people who complain about slow sales or tell me they need to grow their sales yet when I encourage them to network, they have dozens of reasons why not. The real reason usually comes down to, "I am not motivated enough to do something that makes me uncomfortable." The real scoop is if you're not uncomfortable that means you're probably not growing and going for the big time. You can stay in the comfort zone to succeed. You have to push boundaries and you have to try new things. Last week, I was really concerned about our slowed sales so what did I do? I got my behind out of the office and went to a networking meeting, which was free by the way. I met some new friends and new opportunities naturally arose. I wasn't out pitching. I was just mixing and mingling. Networking is your no. #1 sales tool -- and you don't have to sell. You just have to show up. So next time, you think I need more sales or more funds, go network. Get out, shake some hands, enjoy a drink with someone new, and get to know them for the sake of just to get to know them. You will be pleasantly surprised!


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