The Sale of the Century

"Oh such hyperbole Michelle!" you gasp at my brazen hustling for business. Well, I am a hustler (in a good way) there is no doubt and when the going gets tight the tough loosen up ... their tongue! I am so grinning right now. Actually, I am super excited. We are running our blazing hot, sizzle, sizzle! summer sale of 20% OFF all publishing and editorial services. Need your book coached? Want to clean up a manuscript and make sure it's has its Ts crossed and i dotted? Interested in publishing the great American novel? Or maybe you just need a white paper or collateral piece cleaned up. Pick a service -- it's all 20% OFF until June 30, 2011. Oh you gasp! Wow! That's awesome! I need a service Michelle! Of course you do ... you literate, writing champ you. Send an email to We will take care of you. Now off to a meeting with (guess) an author! Now go on take on the day!!

Writing Tip: Always use a proof reader when creating a professional document, book or marketing collateral piece. You would be surprised what gets missed and how "blind" you become even if you have a Ph.D in English.


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