Excitement, Elation and "Elektrifying"

In my coaching class, Erica has you pick a superhero. Mine is "Enthusiastic Elektra," and let me just say that my enthusiasm runneth over today. First, I am so jazzed. I'm "Elektra-fied" jazzed. I've been working on a script project for a few months now, and we're putting finishing touches on it. Before we even finished up the final revision, my client pitched to a big name producer (who I will not reveal quite yet), and he was cracking up and offered to help shepherd it through. Who you know in this business is 9/10th of the battle. So, the producer's help to either possibly acquire the script or help introduce us to an agent is HUGE. I'm so on top of the enthusiasm world right now. And my new novel California Girl Chronicles is moving along swimmingly. I'm on chapter 3, and I can't wait to introduce readers to the quirky world of Brea Harper, hopeless romantic and hapless but also smart and driven. It will be in the tone of the Sookie Stackhouse series and Nora Roberts. I've been soliciting feedback from readers to sharpen it, and it's moving along quite well. I also up-sold two new clients and filled the pipeline once more with prospective work. I have been very goal-driven these last few weeks, and it's paid off. I'm just so on top of the world. I want to scream with enthusiasm and excitement. And finally, I am organizing the Provence Posse, a group of travelers whose goal is to save $10 a week to visit Provence, France. So far, I have almost 10 in the posse. The idea is to hold us all accountable to attaining the goal. If you want to join the posse, send me an email at info@3LPublishing.com. All aboard and onward with a thrill and a half!!!!!!


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