3L's Sizzling Summer Special - 20% OFF Publishing Services

Summer is officially here (finally). And people are off on vacations and slowing down. My work load has amazingly quieted enough for me to think about marketing and promotion. I wanted to offer a sizzling summer publishing special. For anyone who signs up by June 30, 2011, we are offering a 20% OFF super summer sale on all publishing services including coaching. What is manuscript coaching you ask? It's when yours truly and editor of some 25 books and author of three, goes through your manuscript and helps guide it to five-star rating status. If you're an emerging or new author still struggling to get your manuscript recognized by publishers as a first-rate and viable book, I or one of my staff will go through the manuscript, offer comments and suggestions, provide specific guidance about the market, and help you achieve your goals. And with that, I'm going to give you a super secret tip.

If you're writing narrative and not including dialog, you are not building and developing true characters with voices. Always write your novel or even memoir with memorable characters by giving them a voice that is not filtered through a narrative. If you would like to take advantage of our super summer savings, send an email to info@3LPublishing.com.

And there's your million dollar moment!


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