Facebook Country

And in a big country, dreams stay with you,
Like a lover's voice, fires the mountainside..
Stay alive.. ~ Big Country

That is my weird, little non-sequent as I was about to write the blog. I thought about Big Country and those lyrics from the oh-so-fun synthetic, big haired ´80s. Another quirky ´80s remembrance is Danse Parc ... anyone remember that one from West Sacramento? They used to play these eclectic artists such as Stephen "Tin Tin" Duffy and my all-time favorite: Kiss Me.

Kiss me with your mouth.
Your love is better than wine.
But wine is all I have.
Will your love ever be mine?

I just love the thought, "Your love is better than wine." Wine always strikes me as decadent, and I think of the deep purple of a rich Cabernet. So, I'm completely on a "wild" ride that ultimately is meant to lead you toward some thoughts on social media and not waxing nostalgic about the bygone ´80s where I had as many big sweaters as I did big hairdos.

So, I'm going to discuss social media etiquette aka how to make and keep Facebook friends. First, Facebook for many, many business people is a rich grass-roots environment to reach into the hearts and minds of target markets and individuals within those target markets. I have two fast and furious rules about what I will and will not post on social media. I try to stick to the following:
  • Professional projects under way and progress reports
  • Random, funny and quirky thoughts that are hopefully inspirational to others
  • Comments about general things in life that can actually help people learn about my profession or about my personal journey and what I've picked up along the way a la self-help
  • And sweet and thoughtful remarks about those I love
Now why do I mix personal and professional? I try to give prospective business people a window into my life and my attitudes. I only work with people I like, and in turn, people only work with me if they like me. If you read my social media posts and somehow find me offensive (and believe me, how inspirational thoughts can offend, I have no idea, but I suppose anything can offend) then don't work with me. You can't know me personally and see any like-ability if I keep my personal world too private; BUT I don't go too deep either. Generalizations will suffice and make my points just fine.

Information I wish to see others keep private (especially if they are professionals, because I will lose respect for them):
  • Information about break-ups or busted engagements, way TMI; and I think it's best if your relationship is going through turmoil not to post the details on Facebook. You will look especially unprofessional if you get all emotional, too. 
  • Partying down and drinking -- yes, many people are social drinkers, but it's not good for your professional image if you post, "Yee-haw! Got me some booze and a broad!" You know what I mean ... not good.
  • Sexual preferences and general discussions about sexuality. Yes, I like to make sideways jokes here and there; but my personal policy is to never take it too far to the left of center ... you know what I mean? Again, most of us have sex, but there should be some privacy in your life -- and especially if you're on Facebook for professional reasons.
  • General hatred and negative attacks. You want to get "un-friended" make a direct attack on me or my connections for absolutely no good reason. No one wants to be friends with "haters" ... just saying.


  1. Since you are on Facebook only as a person who is not differentiated from her work, the line between you-the-human-being-apart-from-work and you-the-business-owner-slash-professional is very fuzzy. Your personal safety and privacy are at risk when you manage your public business image in the same forum as your personal life (thus, Kirk's concerns about sharing places). Consider starting a Page for your business, and encouraging clients and business associates to Like your page to keep up with 3L's goings on. With a business Page, you have better control over your social media presence, and you can monitor the buzz you are creating.


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