The Value of Social Media
Social media has exploded over the last 10 years. When I'm out speaking to groups or individuals, and I hear they are not using social media to its fullest or not at all, I am always surprised. First, it's FREE. Why you would not use a valuable marketing tool that costs you nothing but time is a shocker. The benefits are numerous and if you focus on building up your connections and/or "followers," you will have direct outreach to potentially thousands of readers or viewers. Here is why I think social media is important: You reach your connections directly through the news feeds (on Facebook) and Tweets on Twitter. You can customize or tailor your message. You can create "buzz" around your company, product or service. You also can reach into your "friends'" social media connections. It is FREE and only costs you time. I hear common complaints that social media is a "time-suck vortex," meaning people end up spending too mu...