Just Go with It

Are you like me? Got a plan. You think you're going to stick to the plan -- and then boom! A curve ball comes from left field to leave you a little surprised. Your plan all of a sudden looks pretty questionable. We think we can plan. We think we can control. And in fact, we can't plan. We cannot control. And thus, the curve balls get lobbed, and we have to stop and think about it. Since my divorce, I have kept a firm plan in my head about my social life and dating. My plan is still in place (don't get me wrong), but I had a little curve ball tossed at me, and I started thinking, "Maybe I'll have to make some adjustments here." Isn't that what life is about? You can plan and you cannot control -- and sometimes you have to make some adjustments. And you know what else? Those unexpected people, moments and connections can be liberating, exciting and amazing. So, like everything else in life the best plan is: just go with it.


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