Book Marketing and Public Relations

If I were to survey and ask authors, "What is the most important part of the publishing process?" The answers would vary but most likely be missed. Is it the book? Is it the story? Is it the character development? Is it the content for a non-fiction book? Is it the subject matter? Is it the genre? What is it? None of those things. It is very simple and one word: marketability. Can we successfully market your book to an audience that will not only buy your book but tell all their friends to buy your book? You can write a brilliant tome. Your writing can beat the competition. Your book can be captivating, award-winning, and well done; but if we can't find its audience and attract their attention enough to buy it -- none of those things matter. And for authors who feel only self-satisfaction in the idea they wrote books and don't want to take the next step, which is to sell and promote the book, then a book is all you will ever have in your hands and not cold, hard cash for sales. Book marketing and public relations cannot be the last consideration in your journey to write a book. Book marketing and public relations must be given equal weight to the book itself. Anything other than that (investment in marketing and promotion) will mean you have a book that gathers dust on the shelf.

If you would like to market and promote your book, give 3L Publishing a call at 916-300-8012 or send an email to, or visit the website at


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