CEO Education: On-the-Job Learning

I blog every day. Some days I can't think of a thing to say. Today is one of those days. So you just have to sit down and let the ideas just pop into your head ...

I was up late working last night and slept in. The perils of being an entrepreneur is that you often get sucked into the minutia of business. Sometimes I think, I don't need to mind the store that closely, do I? And then I just get maybe too comfortable and something goes awry. A few things have gone a little haywire, so I have to focus and get things fixed. You have a fine line. As the CEO you want to delegate and allow your team to fill their roles and responsibilities. But if you get too far away from even your basic operations, you can run into snafus. Training is critical, especially when you're in the middle of transitions. I had counted on my former operations manager to properly train my new one. Well, that did not work out so well. The first one left everything incomplete and didn't transition records. My new operations manager has had to do a lot of guesswork. I didn't even realize all of the gaps in knowledge. I probably should have sat down with her myself and walked her all the way through, but then I had my own transitions in process. Too many transitions at once can be costly.

What is important is that I learn lessons from these situations. When something goes wrong, don't tear your hair out. You have to appreciate each event as a lesson in business.  I have, of course, learned A LOT of often super expensive lessons. What I love about running 3L Publishing and the books we produce -- especially the business and self-help categories -- is I get dig my nose into them. I am continuously being educated by others. Our forthcoming book 10 Powerful Women is so far very intriguing and educational. I've learned a lot of critical pieces of information from that team. How fantastic is that -- on-the-job learning!


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