Sweet Simplicity

Simplicity -- ah, sweet simplicity ... I'm always saying it's the simple things. I'm a simple girl and simple things bring a smile to my face. This tree outside of my office window regales me with its full bloom. All the trees are snow white right now, and the very sight makes me smile. I bought a bouquet of spring flowers for my coffee table. They made me so happy! The flowers were bright and purple fun. I can sit in my sweet home and enjoy its beauty. My home is small and lovely -- and decorated in a comfortable feel -- that makes me happy. I can sit on the sofa and talk for hours with my fiance Kirk Donnelly -- and that makes me really happy, too. Last night, a friend of mine asked me to dinner, and Kirk and I went and gave her counsel on her decision to divorce. I was leaning quietly against my man, and I thought how far I've come. Last year at this time, I had just walked away from a 20-year marriage. Life looked rather bleak. I was tired and sad. A full year later, I'm content, happy and engaged to one of the sweetest, gentlest men I've ever met.

What is my point? All these people always looking for bigger, better and more fabulous ... take a deep breath. Stop! Abundance and love is all around you. The colorful beauty of flowers ... the knowing smile on my man's face ... a tender, loving kiss -- these are the things that have deeper meaning. These things are so basic, so ... SIMPLE. Happiness!


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