Creating a Brand for Your Book

I am constantly telling authors that a book is like having an entire business -- that is, if you're treating it right. As you begin the marketing and publicity phase for your book launch, you should have some key marketing pieces in your arsenal. Are you wondering what are the necessary pieces? Here is a good starting point:

Author Website -- you absolutely must have an author website. Well, any business these days cannot get away without having a website. At a bare minimum your website should feature: About the Author/Book, a dynamic page or blog that can be updated with event information, and a method to buy the book via a shopping cart system.

Media Kit -- 3L Publishing is widely known in the industry for having some of the most beautiful media kits. Media kits go to the book buyers and regional and national broadcast and print media. They are used to attract attention and sales in the book stores without having to necessarily send a sample, which bookstores like Barnes and Noble will request samples from the distributor Baker and Taylor. Our job is to pique their interests enough to ask for the sample. The media will request a kit and sample review copy and then decide if they want to review the book. The media uses the kit for interviews and background information, too.

Bookmark with contact information in lieu of a business card -- I prefer the bookmark with the contact information on it to give to both readers and reviewers instead of a business card. The bookmark is more useful and promotes (in my case) both the company the book. And people like bookmarks for reading.

Book Poster -- a poster of the book cover is used for book signings and parties. You put it out on display to promote the book. It's an advertisement for the book for everywhere you go.

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