It's Blog-Day Friday

Well, the great, fantastic, I'm-over-the-moon news is: 3L Publishing is on fire. We are picking up new contracts and publishing agreements almost every day. I don't know what the recent turning point has been. I hope it's that the economy is picking up (for the collective hope of us all). Maybe it's all these scintillating blog posts attracting business in by the droves ;). Maybe it's all the ;) winks and smiles :). Maybe it's because my keyboard broke again ... hmm ... probably not that one. Or maybe it's because I use and combined my social media with over 3,000 connections to my blog to my website to my newsletter and back again. Maybe it's also because I'm on Facebook connecting, chatting and meeting new people every day. Maybe it's because I spend 40 percent of my day doing marketing and focusing on relationship building aka as networking. Maybe it's because I strive for excellence in all of the 3L products and services. Maybe it's also because I have one of the best (and loveliest) publishing teams in the business. Or maybe it's just because heck! We've not only survived but thrived during the Great Recession and we're all still standing!

Does all of that sound good to you? Are you ready to become an author or do you have a custom project you want published? Give us a call at 916-300-8012 or send an email to and let us help you make your writing dreams come true.


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