Chicken Noodle This ...

I was recently astonished when a former business associate failed to remove my information for her own PR material. We had done a project in the past, but we no longer work together. I don't know why I was surprised, it was just part of a long revelation of bad, incompetent or just careless work habits. This same person even failed (twice) to write the correct title of a product she was representing in press releases ... in the headlines (of all glaring places). The consistent lack of care to even ensure a product name was correct in the press release that was going out to media everywhere was a flashing red light for the clients, who ended up not wanting this person to represent their campaigns. And can you blame them? If your hired professional can't even take five minutes to double check details on your press release, it doesn't bode well for the person's professionalism -- and most certainly sends a less-than-subtle message: "I don't care enough to pay attention." The so-called "devil in the details" is your calling card as a professional. When you produce products for clients, you have to think of what you produce as the final product that will sit on the shelf. Misspelling the product or book title in the press release is akin to Campbell's soup spelling "Chicen Nodle" soup and still placing it on the grocery shelf for the public to puzzle over. What does that say about the company -- or in this case, the person who represents the company -- about their care about the quality of what they put out there? It sends a very bad message to the public, "I don't care enough about you to send my very best." When you hire someone to represent you, be sure to find out whether or not she does pay attention to what counts the most -- and your company's name spelled properly or your product title spelled correctly -- those things count. If your PR or marketing representative shrugs if off and says, "I had to get my hair done that day, I didn't have time to double-check it," you ought to either a. chastise their lack of professionalism b. fire them or c. a combination of both  a and b.


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