Why I Haven't Blogged about My Favorite Show

As many of my followers know, I love the HBO series True Blood; but many of you may have noticed I am not doing episode reviews this season. A friend of mine was watching an episode with me and made a comment that completely cemented why the show hasn't captivated my interest as much this season -- Sookie. He said, "Isn't the show supposed to revolve around her? It's all about vampires." I affirmed, "Yes, it's supposed to center on her." In the beginning, the show did, in fact, center on Sookie. After about the fourth season, it lost its focus.

This season's storyline with Warlow was intriguing with the fairy/vampire hybrid and ability to walk in the sun. The Sookie/Warlow romance became just about 1/4 of the show and took a backseat to the Vampire "Internment Camp" story line that became the primary story that affected everything else. In fact, we saw more of Bill and the internment camp scenarios than anything else. When Sookie and Warlow had sex it wasn't even developed enough for us to believe Sookie had strong feelings for him. I kind of thought it came almost out of the blue. This criticism shows the importance of sexual tension and build-up. Remember, the show creators built up the Eric/Sookie romance over three seasons, so when they finally did the "wild thing" fans were just applauding. "It's about time," was the collective sigh. When Sookie decided to have sex with Warlow, it was more like, "What? Really?" No build-up, no sexual tension = who cares? And, "Oh, man Sookie you're too easy." LOL


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