Why I Use a Life Coach and You Should, Too

It's Friday so it's time for ... Friday morning musings, which means I'm going to blog about something completely useless almost in the vein of Andy Rooney. But wait! Usually when I "muse" over something you end up reading about something meaningful ... sometimes. I think I'll coin a new phrase, "Life is like a box of Cracker Jacks, you never know what is the toy surprise." Reminds me of Forrest Gump, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never what you're gonna get." I can hear Tom Hanks' voice as Forest in my head right now. Well, I think life is more like a meandering trail with lots of pretty bushes and flowers on the road side and every now and again, a rattlesnake that if you're either smart you stay away from or you get too curious and get a poisonous bite. Ouch! Here is my recommendation for the best snake-bite kit ever ... E-V-E-R :). Use a Life Coach and in particular, I recommend Bo Bradley, who among her many roles still coaches. She is the best, and I've worked with her for a very long time. I adore Bo, who has recently in honor of Paddington Bear been given the nickname Boington :), with nothing but an overflow of affection, of course. If you would like to schedule a coaching session with Bo, please send her an email at 1HappySuccess@gmail.com.


  1. The number listed in no longer valid. Please send an email to 1HappySuccess@gmail.com to contact Bo.


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