Setting Goals for 2013

I am a huge believer in goals. I have short- and long-term goals. Each year, I try to make goals versus resolutions. Resolutions always seem to get broken. Goals are something I strive for and move toward through actions. Goals suit me. I like to make personal and professionals goals, too. I've learned the key is to make big goals and then develop smaller, more do-able action steps. I recommend you write down your goals, too, or make a vision board with your big goals in mind.

Here are five big goals I've made for 2013 for my company 3L Publishing to accomplish.

No. #1 Publish and Make a Top Amazon Seller, Vengeance is Now.
No. #2 Roll out and publicize the 10 Powerful Women Book.
No. #3 Refocus and push the California Girl Chronicles TV script to the Entertainment Business.
No. #4 Publish and promote California Girl Chronicles: Brea's Big Break
No. #5 Write and Publish for Valentine's 2014, 20 Reasons NOT to Date that Guy

No what are your goals? On our website sells Wayne Kurtz's fabulous book Never Say, "I Wish I Had..." which teaches readers how to set and achieve goals. It can be found in our catalog:


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