Got a Book You Wanted Edited? Need a Book Coach?

Every time you shift and change your life, you create what I call the new normal. I feel really fantastic today. I am in the middle of my new normal. I'm adjusting to my life as a single parent. My kids are here. My eldest climbed in my spare walk-in closet and organized all of the boxes. We have a new bed being delivered today for him to sleep on, which completes the office/spare bedroom. Why does this matter? It's really about finally settling in and accepting and adjusting to my life as it is.

I have so much to look forward to at this point, too. California Girl Chronicles script polish wrapped up yesterday (pretty much), and this process coming to an end with an important step forward. The script is why I'm here. I am moving it forward with my producer to pitch to TV executives. The experience of working with someone of his experience and caliber has been rewarding. He's teaching me a lot even if he doesn't know it yet. I've been watching with a keen eye on what is unfolding in front of me. I don't know that I want to directly produce -- I definitely want to write (of that I am certain). As a publisher, author and writing coach, I have never wavered in my passion. I've crumbled a little bit and felt a lack of energy to write in recent months, but I'll get back to it soon. In the meantime, I'm enjoying the editing process on 3L Publishing's authors' projects. We're about to wrap up the 10 Powerful Women 10 Strategic Insights into Business.

You know friends, I am an excellent editor, ghost writer and book coach! I know modest, too. I've been doing it for 20 years, and I know grammar, style and punctuation. I memorized the AP Stylebook. I used to work on magazines and periodicals. Ask me a rule! I dare you LOL. My best friend when I'm editing is Grammar Girl. If you're ready to publish a book, call me at 916-300-8012 or send an email to or


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