Blogging is a Valuable Marketing Tool

Do you know what is information-based marketing? It is pretty much what it sounds like. The power of providing loads of great information to market and promote your business. I get asked all of the time, "Why are you willing to share so much of your expertise for free?" Because most business people and authors cannot do what I do. Giving and sharing information doesn't take away from my business, it gives me business. Once prospective clients understand the value of the information I am giving away, they typically are sold on my knowledge and expertise. Once sold on what I know, they are more open to hire my company to work with them. Blogging is a tool to provide information on a daily basis (yes, except Sunday) and build a following. Followers may not directly do business with your company, but if they're impressed enough with you they will refer you to friends. Prospective clients also research those they work with, and your blog becomes part of what they research about your work. I also blog for my clients, too. An effective blog informs, mixes in the interesting and entertaining, and promotes your business or book. If you would like to hire 3L Publishing to blog for you, please send an email to or visit the website at


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