New Release: Fates' Thread: A Memory of Jesus

Jesus of Nazareth lived as both the Son of God and as a mortal. As God’s servant he was charged to spread a new gospel within Judea. As a mortal, he had willingly subdued his feelings and desires until by accident he met an exceptionally kind and beautiful woman.

Julia, the lovely, cultured and married daughter of a Roman Centurion, ignited a special love in Jesus from the first time they met. Through a web of fateful encounters, Jesus came to know the amazing Roman woman he would grow to cherish and to love unconditionally.

Fates’ Thread is an epic story of the powerful love between Jesus, called the Son of God, and his soul mate Julia, the woman to whom he gave his heart. In this beautiful and poetic story, we see two people tempted by passion and their struggle to resist temptation, and we learn how their lives were changed forever by their love.

Fates Thread: A Memory of Jesus will be formally released just in time for Easter in April 2014. It retails for $14.95 and will be on sale on Amazon, 3L Publishing’s website at, and in select retail stores. It will also be available for as an eBook for Kindle, iBook and Nook.


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