Cheap Tricks in Business

Over the years I've figured out some unusual ways to do business on the cheap. Who doesn't want to save a buck, right? So, here are some cheap tricks to do business with less expense...

Gmail is a great backup device. What I do is pay the annual $30 fee to buy extra storage space each year. I then have an automatic backup system for every document I send to my team, which equates to all of the documents. I don't have to buy extra storage devices. If I need to save something and back it up I send it to myself.

Blogger is free. If you're not looking for links to other blog sites and just need a straight-up blog tool then Blogger works great. My only expense is the graphic design required to keep my brand consistent. This expense is recurring about once every couple of years just to update the look. You can't beat free.

Pandora is mostly free. I listen to music all day long. I pay the extra $30 annual fee for Pandora for unlimited listening. I like Pandora because you can change channels and mix up music to adjust to your personal taste and preferences.

Help a Reporter Out (HARO) is free. If you regularly pitch media to promote your business, use HARO. The reporters post what they're looking for in a story, and you can respond. It's a nice tool that gets delivered right to your in-box twice a day.


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