Movie Review: The Other Woman

Rating: ***1/2

The Other Woman was a cute comedy with heart. The set up goes like this: Carmen Diaz's character unwittingly falls in love with a married man and one night decides to surprise him at his home in Connecticut. To her shock and embarrassment her man doesn't open the front door, but (a-hem) his wife greets her. Realizing her boyfriend is married, Diaz's character leaves, but his wife Kate (played by Leslie Mann) is suspicious. She looks on her husband's phone bill and is able to track down Diaz's character, a high-powered lawyer, at work. After realizing it's true that her husband is having an extramarital affair, Kate hyperventilates and causes such a scene that Diaz's character attempts to rescue her. From there, the real mayhem gets under way as the newly bonded women discover more than one mistress.

As a divorced woman who also had a relationship with a man who cheated, I felt Mann's pain. They did not gloss it over and make it cute or funny. As Kate goes through the cycle of grief and realization that her life is over, the story explored her feelings, and I felt that was important because infidelity and divorce are no laughing matters. The end is hilarious, and I don't want to spoil it. I recommend The Other Woman as a good frothy comedy with a lot of heart and kindness to the women who are hurt by the philanderer's cheating ways.


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