How Do You Overcome Writer's Block?

I am sitting here staring at my desk. What do I write? Is anyone going to care what I write? Do I care what I write? The exercise is really this: sit down and write, which is how your overcome writer's block. It's a simple exercise indeed. I get asked all of the time, "How do you overcome writer's block?" My manufactured answer is always the same, "Sit down and write." You would be surprised what flows out of you. I can promise, though, that staring at a blank field will get you nowhere. Digging for ideas in your "blocked" brain ... nowhere. I wasn't sure what I was going to say when I started this blog. I just sat down and wrote something. Now I have a blog on writer's block. See how that works. Just let random ideas flow out of your brain. Some idea will hit you. Go with it and let the journey guide your work. See where it takes you and what you end writing down, and then rewrite and revise and reorganize if it's a bit random. Pretty soon you will have a focused piece with a theme. I swear it's this easy. Just try it.


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