Your Book as Passive Revenue

If you're in business, passive revenue is the best way to earn money. You do the work and the money continues to flow in long after the work is done. Passive revenue compounds your existing revenue and enables you to earn more without working harder. I like passive revenue because it's the quintessential and true definition of work smarter not harder -- amen. In publishing, your business book acts as your calling card and is more effective than a brochure (who ever throws a book away but thousands of brochures get dumped in landfills), and you get the value add of passive revenue. You can sell a book. You can't sell a brochure. And here is the big shocker: your cost per full-color brochure can be upwards of $5-$8 per brochure versus a full-sized book that can be as inexpensive as a $1.25 per book. You simply can't go wrong when you look at the formula from that point-of-view. Consider this, too: your book can bring in passive revenue for years to come. I have two business books written to drive business for 3L Publishing. Vanity Circus the first week it was released paid for itself in a single client reading it and coming aboard.

If you would like to enjoy benefits and perks of having a book published for your area of expertise or business, please call us at 916-300-8012, and we will gladly take care of your business publishing needs.


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