You Can Never Go Wrong with Sprinkles

Sometimes I just get too darned serious. It's time to make 'em laugh I say. So, I will just tell stories this morning. My daughter Cambria, 8, is a lark. She is very articulate and says the funniest things. Spend an entire afternoon with her and she is sure to make you laugh over something often random. You know little kids and candy, right? Well, last night we went to yogurt -- and as usual she loads her dish with 1/4 yogurt and 1 pound candy ... candy corn, gummy worms ... then she says (and I love it), "How about sprinkles? You can never go wrong with sprinkles." I laughed and replied, "You're right. You can never go wrong with sprinkles." And she heaps a few tablespoons on her already sugar-saturated dessert. A dear friend of mine with whom I share these stories always says, "You gotta love kids." You said it, friend!

Speaking of children ... did you know my company 3L Publishing publishes children's book? We have three glorious books in our catalog: Fart-Tart Freddy, Manuel's Murals and Cyber Writers and the Zebra of Life. If you have a fabulous children's book you would like published, contact us via email at or call 916-300-8012.


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