Publisher's Gratuitous Self-Promotion :)

It's Christmas time, and you may know I'm picking what I think are the best gifts for the season out of 3L Publishing's catalog. As most of my associates know I published California Girl Chronicles in 2011. I have not mentioned that the second book got released right in the middle of what we'll a "sh**" storm called my divorce. While I promoted the first book with passion the second book has languished on the shelf with lack of TLC.

Here is the deal. I personally think the second book is better than the first one. So, if you liked the first one, you'll definitely like this one. It has more character development, and it has a little more depth. When I say "depth" I am really saying it's like a Muskateers candy bar compared to a Mars bar (we have nuts, caramel and nugget vs. just nugget). And when I compare it to a candy bar ... it's just book candy. No, I don't take myself or this series seriously. Let's face it. A book written about a screenwriter being distracted by hot men -- not Pulitzer material. I didn't intend it to be. Now if you're looking for pure mental distraction and some laughs, great choice. Brea (pronounced Bree") is a fun character to visit. She's flawed but human, and you have to like a girl that will go skydiving. It's available on Kindle, Nook and iBook for $2.99. Why not? To buy it on Kindle click here.


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