Emo Pop and Passion

So I learned a new genre of music they call "Emo Pop," and I thought that makes sense for the new music I like to hear such as Imagine Dragons and Little Talks. Well, first I adore music of all kinds. I listen to music all day. I thought the term "Emo Pop" made sense for this genre because it has an interesting almost syntho sound from the '80's, but it also has some strong passion behind the words. I really like Imagine Dragons' Demons:

When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
It’s where my demons hide
It’s where my demons hide
Don’t get too close
It’s dark inside
It’s where my demons hide
It’s where my demons hide

I couldn't find the introduction line for the lyrics of this song. But what I've said I enjoy about this type of music is the emotion behind it, which now I understand why it's called "Emo Pop". In the early part of that song, he inhales the chemical waste. Don't ask me why I love the meaning behind it.  I also like those lyrics because we all have our little demons, don't we? I know I do. They sometimes hide and other times they jump out very unexpectedly. I've always liked songs where they layer the sounds and build up to the beat (or passion behind it) so it matches the words. A classic I've always liked is Cold Play's Rush of Blood to the Head -- for the exact reasons I just described.

Well, it's Christmas time. Did I give you any ideas for gifts for music lovers. And let me comment on musical lyrics: they are the last vestiges of popular poetry. It seems poetry itself has taken an overall downturn in popularity in the 21st century, but you can still hear modern poets express their hearts in music. I love poetry, and I have a poet in me, too. My latest book Body in the Trunk has a poem built into the story. You can always sneak one in!


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